We couldn’t have a show without a theme or design!
I’ve been talking a lot about our portfolio show, and I will continue to do so, but I left out some details! I wrote about it in past blogs but they were unfortunately the ones that got lost! For the overall look of the show, we all had to create our own campaigns! Once we wrapped everything up and output all of our contents and examples, the classes held a vote on the student who would have their design as the overall show design! I was super nervous… I really did want to win. I worked my butt off on that campaign! I unfortunately didn’t win… but, I GOT 2ND!!! I was still stoked! Even though I didn’t get to stand up front of the show or have my whole campaign showcased for the show, I still felt accomplished. I lost by 3 points that’s all! But they say everything happens for a reason and with the semester I had… I’m glad I didn’t have all of the extra pressure or work on my shoulders!