My tumbler!
For one of our last projects in one of my classes, we had to create a custom engraving product! Some chose pens, others chose, drink cousies, patches, and so much more to put their custom designs on! I personally decided to go with a 40oz tumbler! I wanted something personal that I could use and also promote myself with. I decided to put my personal logo on one side and a flower with the same theme on the other. We had some hiccups though. Myself and one other classmate had cylindrical objects to engrave which required a specific rotary insert for the engraver! Unfortunately her product wasn’t working within the engraver so we had to wait on an extra part to help hold the products in place! We eventually did get that piece but her product was still having issues so inevitably she had to go a different direction but in the end it worked out! For mine, we had to do some tweaking and testing because my tumbler had a large handle that we didn’t want causing problems! With some tweaking and eyeballing, we got my tumbler engraved and I couldn’t have been happier! It was the first time my instructor had done a large tumbler with a handle in the machine as well so we were both really pleased with the results! I took it home cleaned the soot off and it turned out great! I use it all the time now, and I get lots of compliments!